Well its 1:05 am and I am up way past my bedtime! But its all good, def gives me time to finally catch people up with whats going on my way. If you havent heard, i now work for PBC and we have been BUSY. God is doing some amazing things for the school and Im thankful to be apart of it. Its cool to see the new faces around and meeting back up with old friends, but it gets me thinking. What are these people really doing here? Thats a question that i asked myself while a student there and even now i sometimes think "was it worth it?" Ill come back to that soon.
Weve been going through a series called parentology at Salem Chapel and man, Pastor Josh is throwing it down. I cant help but leaving sunday morning services convicted about something...AND I DONT EVEN HAVE KIDS YET!!!! He spoke about rebellion this past Sunday and it hit me hard. Temptation comes in so many forms and the flesh is so strong. You cant help but find yourself rebelling from time to time and doing what the flesh wants. Like i stated last time, it isnt until you really start trying to grow spiritually that you find yourself fighting so much harder. But with any problem, there is a solution. Prayer. To fight any form of temptation we must pray and be grounded in what we believe in. without the proper equipment (prayer) how are we going to be able to fix our problems. This may be a stretch but God has given us the tools we need, lets picture Him as being Lowes. Hes given us prayer and His word, and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are wanting to grow as well, we'll call these our equipment (wood, hammer and nails in no particular order). With the proper equipment we can build a strong shed to cover our spiritual man and feed it what it needs so that it will continue to grow past a shed, and move to something bigger (one room apt), and then something even bigger (2 story house) and then even bigger (A MANSION). Like i said, a stretch, but i think i got the point across. We need to be using what God has given us to become better Christians and being able to fend off the flesh when the time arises! Dont get me wrong, there will be times when we fail. but how awesome will it be when the time comes when sin comes knocking and we can ignore it like it was never a big deal at all!
I come back to the question "was it worth it?" my college did help equip me with the knowledge i needed to help further my walk in the Lord. Without that education, i can guarantee you that what faith i did have would be minuscule to say the least. I hope that these new students come with a thirst and a willingness to grow and serve in whatever ministry God has called them too. Im def not saying that the only way you can grow spiritually is if you come to piedmont lol. It is my job to GET you there though, so if you want to help me..feel free.